
International Journal of Sustainable English Language, Education, and Science

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Journal Title International Journal of Sustainable English Language, Education, and Science 

Editor in Chief Moh. Hilman Fikri

Frequency Twice a Year (June & December)

eISSN 3062-6943

Publisher Universitas Kristen Cipta Wacana

International Journal of Sustainable English Language, Education, and Science is a scientific journal that focuses on research and development in the fields of education, science, and language with a sustainable approach. The focus and scope of the journal covers topics such as innovation in teaching methods, sustainable curriculum development, application of technology in education, and applied linguistics. This journal is recommended 2 times a year, namely June and December.

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Current Issue

Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): International Journal of Sustainable English Language, Education, and Science
Published: 2024-12-27


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