
The Legend of Tangkuban Prau (Indonesian folktale) as a Reflection of Customary Law Values: A Study of Literature and Law




This study explores the Indonesian legend of Tangkuban Prau as a reflection of customary law (hukum adat) values through a literary and legal lens. The research aims to uncover how the narrative encapsulates and reinforces societal norms, focusing on themes of familial respect, ethical boundaries, and social harmony in West Javanese culture. Using qualitative methods, the study analyzes the legend’s narrative structure, character dynamics, and symbolic motifs, revealing its role as both a cultural artifact and a medium for moral education. The findings demonstrate that the tale conveys the principles of hukum adat through its depiction of moral dilemmas, cosmic justice, and the consequences of violating societal norms. Moreover, the story’s timeless appeal highlights its potential for cultural preservation and intergenerational education. This research underscores the relevance of folklore in bridging tradition and modernity, contributing to the broader discourse on the intersection of literature and law in cultural studies.


Indonesian folklore, law values, moral values


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How to Cite

Wahyu Sudrajad, Wahdatur Rike Uyunul Mukarromah, abd. Ghofar, & Eka Sudibya. (2024). The Legend of Tangkuban Prau (Indonesian folktale) as a Reflection of Customary Law Values: A Study of Literature and Law. International Journal of Sustainable English Language, Education, and Science, 1(2), 72-76. https://doi.org/10.71131/z5trts86