
Analysis of Learning Resources Biology Book by Neil A. Campbell for class X SMA / Equivalent




This study aims to determine the results of content analysis in the Biology book by Neil A. Campbell for class X SMA / equivalent using Science Literacy. This research method is descriptive qualitative with the research subject is the Biology book by Neil A. Campbell for class X SMA / equivalent. The research instrument is a book suitability analysis. Data collection is based on the results of the analysis conducted by researchers on Biology by Neil A. Campbell for class X SMA / equivalent based on science literacy content. Based on the analysis, the suitability of the Biology book by Neil A. Campbell for grade X SMA / equivalent seen from science literacy is categorized in the Science book as a body of knowledge (a body of knowledge).


Analysis, Content, Biology Book, Campbell and Science Literacy


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How to Cite

Liza Choirun Nisa, Lestari, J. W. ., Suwasono, P. R., Slamet, S., & Besi, Y. (2024). Analysis of Learning Resources Biology Book by Neil A. Campbell for class X SMA / Equivalent. International Journal of Sustainable English Language, Education, and Science, 1(2), 43-48. https://doi.org/10.71131/fjf8bp02